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Ladies' Ministries

We have a lady's Bible study the third Friday of every month. We are going through a Rightnowmedia study of the Book of Job. If you have missed some weeks no problem! You catch up on the study at the following link:

If you need a righnowmedia account to access the study let us know. It is a free account that is available through the church. You don't have to be attend the church to have an account. 


July 20th - Job 1:1-22

August 18th - Job 2:1-13

September 15th - Job 3:1-26

October 20th - Job 4-31

November 17th - Job 32-37

December 15th - Job 38-40

January 19th - Job 40:1-42:6

February 16th - Job 42:7-17